The first Wednesday of the month and every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m, is free entrance to the museum. It is easy to find, located in a unique position—in the heart of historic Old Town and just across the street from the New Mexico Museum of Natural History.
The museum regularly features exhibitions, and from November 18, 2007 thru February 10th, 2008
Temples and Tombs: Treasures of Egyptian Art from The British Museum will be on display. The full range of pharaonic history, from shortly before the Third Dynasty, about 2686 B.C., to the Roman occupation of the fourth century A.D. The exhibition provides a rare opportunity to view renowned Egyptian masterworks and lesser-known treasures before their final return to The British Museum.
In addition, you will also experience paintings, sculpture, artifacts, a sculpture garden and they also offer children and adult workshops.
For more information visit their website at
http://www.cabq.gov/museum. Don’t miss out on this great cultural bargain!
The museum is located:
2000 Mountain Road NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104
Phone 505/243-7255
OPEN 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Tuesday - Sunday