Albuquerque has been listed on the top 25 appreciating markets for 2008 according to
Housing Predictor. The other 24 markets are scattered throughout all parts of the U.S. from the west to the east and into the southern states. Housing Predictor notes that more than 20 factors are considered when issuing each forecast, including economics, regional political influences, business development, employment levels and other socioeconomic issues.
The forecast is showing a developing trends that more people are moving to smaller less urban cities seeking a better quality of life.
Albuquerque was also Housing Predictor's top rated market for appreciation in 2007 estimated at 9.1%. For 2008 they estimate a 3.5% appreciation which is positive in this market.
With new businesses moving to the
state prompted in part by tax incentives, a less expensive labor market and job growth are all contributing factors to the positive outlook for