I've been asked by one of my clients to show one of your properties. You find out about the showing by either your client telling you, or you see it on the Supra update. That tool is a great resource for letting us track our showings and keeping us informed even when we have a vacant listing, isn't it? I remember when the lockboxes weren't as 'smart' and we had to run around every week to 'read' the keybox to see who had been there. With today's technology we can easily see who has shown our properties, time/date. Great for security and great for servicing our clients.
The next thing that I expect to find after the showing is a request for feedback. While I don't mind getting a phone call, sometimes it's not as effective as getting a detailed email request for feedback - the reason being I might be standing in line at the grocery store, waiting in my dentist's office, or with a client. Not very efficient for letting you know details of the showing. Plus - and an important PLUS - is that there is nothing to remind me of this property...like a picture or a description.....something to jog my juggled memory about which property this was.
For this reason I love, LOVE email feedback requests. The request should include a picture of the property - this way I can easily remember which property it was, and let you know what my client's response to the property was.
Why do I think feedback is important? Often I get the response 'hey we didn't make an offer, that's feedback enough isn't it?' No, not really. We are in the people AND property business. The properties don't speak to us, require consultations and don't care what we are doing when we aren't at the property. But the people do. People are the clients, and the clients have no idea what goes on in our crazy real estate world like we do. It's the people who get hustled out of their homes, getting ready for a showing, spend their time outside their homes while we are there showing, and then worrying and wondering what happened after we left. Don't you think they are going crazy wanting to know what goes on after we leave? What was that conversation that we had with our buyer clients as we pulled away from the house? What did they think?
I have an empathy for anyone selling their home. I have sold two of my own homes, and there is nothing that makes you understand what's it like to be a home seller more than being one yourself. Even with 16 years of experience as a Realtor®, it never softened my anxiety when I took on the role of 'home seller'. Waiting for the feedback, waiting for the offer or maybe not....what did the buyers think? Are they coming back? When am I moving! Help!
We are a cooperative business. A strange cooperative business, as we are also competitors, but we are a business that depends on cooperation. I love giving feedback....by phone is hard because I might not be able to remember which house it was, or be able to tell you about the experience in detail....by email is fabulous.
Give me feedback and I'll promise I'll give you some back.
Give me feedback and I'll promise I'll give you some back.
Have a great selling season Albuquerque Brokers, and Happy Summer!