HOW ARE YOU PAID FOR YOUR SERVICES? As a seller , you pay my brokerage a percentage of the sale at closing. This, along with customary closing costs for a seller to pay, i.e. title company fees, closing fees, search fees, are taken out of your proceeds at closing. My brokerage then pays me a percentage of what they have collected. If no CLOSING occurs, I am not paid anything. Out of this amount I pay my federal and state income taxes, my desk expenses (what it costs me to work at my brokerage), and all of the marketing costs that I have incurred while trying to sell your home (i.e. signs, flyers, brochures, internet advertising, etc). As a buyer , the seller is agreeing to pay my brokerage a percentage an amount offered in the MLS to successfully bring you to closing on their property. If there is no closing, I don't get paid anything. So, it's important to know that while I am showing you homes, there is no fee; there is no fee for my ad...