Just listened to a CNN report about how the housing market is dying. Not here. Just some anecdotal things - today I'm talking to my buyer's agent...telling her that it is supposed to slow down. She says "I hope so, I can't believe this is supposed to be the slow season, when does it really start?" We laughed. If this is slow, I will need another ME in order to cover things this spring. My office manager said the same thing - "still just as many packages coming across my desk, if this is the SLOW season, I will have to hire someone this spring."
You see, Albuquerque is a new destination for the individual wanting to live in the beautiful Southwest. Our weather is unbeatable, our amenities many. Our prices are still reasonable, and lifestyles are fun and carefree.
Did you know that many of the marathon runners who run the Boston Marathon and Olympic Marathon come to live here to train? It's because you can literally run 24/7, 365 days a year, in high altitude - what a dream for outdoor lovers.
Fishing? All within an hour of Albuquerque. Ski buffs - 20 minutes from Albuquerque, 3 hours to Taos.
The list is endless.
So, if anyone thinks it's going to be slow here - just call me. If you can get me to answer the phone. I might be writing another real estate deal.
Margaret Rome